Tips for Choosing a Plumber Around Indianapolis 

When you need plumbing help, there are a number of Indianapolis plumbers available to assist you. With so many options, how do you know which Indianapolis plumber you should work with?

It doesn’t matter if you’ve planned a bathroom renovation for months or came home from work today and were met with a water leak – a good relationship with a nearby plumber serves you well no matter what plumbing situation you find yourself facing.

Mr. Plumber knows the importance of a good Indianapolis plumber to any homeowner, from the southside to Carmel. We share who to trust for plumbing recommendations and what qualities to look for as you choose a trusted plumber.

Who Can Recommend an Indianapolis Plumber?

If it’s your first time in need of a plumber, whether it’s planned work or surprise, the selection process has the potential to feel overwhelming. There are many excellent plumbers in town, and a choice often comes down to preference and experiences.

Who do you turn to for other advice, whether for your home or other situations? Most turn to those they already know – selecting an Indianapolis plumber is no different! When you need a plumbing company recommendation, we recommend you reach out to your existing network of friends, family members, and neighbors to hear about their experiences.

  • Your friends: Many Indianapolis homeowners have a great network of friends nearby, some of whom are likely to be homeowners as well. If your friends have faced major plumbing work or even a surprise plumbing repair, you may have talked about it with them in passing. Ask these friends what Indianapolis plumber they recommend. Listen to their experiences while working with the plumber, and you may even be able to see the plumber’s quality of work inside their homes.

  • Your family: Many of us turn to Mom and Dad or other close family members for advice. If your family members have owned homes in the area, they are another great source for plumbing company recommendations. The same applies as if you were to approach a friend about this topic – ask for company names, experiences, and to see the plumber’s work if possible.

  • Your neighbors: With a neighbor’s plumbing company recommendation, that plumber is pretty much sure to serve your area, as they’ve worked in the home right next door or across the street from you! If you remember seeing a plumber’s van in the driveway next door a while back, reach out to your neighbor to ask if he or she recommends the company that did the work.

Plumbing is a localized business, and plumbers stick to a set service area. A recommendation for a plumber in South Bend from your old college roommate won’t be much help to you. It’s best to reach out to those you know in the area for recommendations, or at least someone who has lived in the Indy area in the recent past.

These personal references are of great value in your search for an Indianapolis plumber. Your trusted friends, family, and neighbors don’t want to lead you in the wrong direction. Through these sources you are able to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly as far as plumbing experiences go – though hopefully they’ve all had excellent experiences! Plus, you may be able to get an insider’s peek into the work performed.

Organizations to Find an Indianapolis Plumber

If you are new in town or don’t have a local homeowner to ask for plumbing company recommendations, there is still help available in your search for an Indianapolis plumber.

Turn to professional organizations that are able to steer you in the right direction through their membership.

  • The local Chamber of Commerce is made up of area business owners, and the organization works to further the business interests of your community – shop local and support a plumber nearby! There are Chambers of Commerce that cover the Indy metro area, neighborhoods and communities within the city, and suburban towns.

  • The Indiana Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association is an organization made up of professionals in the plumbing, heating, and cooling industries across the state. They work to educate professionals and protect homeowners with licensed plumbers on the job.

Online review websites are another source some homeowners turn to on the web as they search for Indianapolis plumbers. These sites offer reviews typically made by customers of the business, but sometimes not. It’s common to see the extreme sides of customer experiences on these review sites, whether they are very good or very bad.

Take the reviews you read under consideration but be careful as you evaluate. It’s a good idea to look beyond the initial review and see how the contractor has responded to both praise and criticism. If a reviewer had a major problem with the work, how has the contractor responded? Was he or she professional in the response, did he or she offer a remedy? These responses give you a look at the behavior, customer service, and character you can expect when you hire this Indianapolis plumber.

Top Qualities of an Indianapolis Plumber

A plumber is a contractor you can call on for life if you have a good experience – look for an Indianapolis plumber who possesses the qualities you want. Over the years you may face other plumbing issues. Instead of starting your search all over again, wouldn’t it be nice to have a name to quickly call?

If you plan a plumbing project ahead of time, you have the opportunity to gather estimates from different companies before you decide on an Indianapolis plumber to do the work. Emergency plumbing repair situations don’t offer the same leeway – you need a solution fast to protect your home. Careful consideration of each company and your personal recommendations are especially valuable in this situation.

When you evaluate an Indianapolis plumber, look for these qualities you want in a lasting contractor relationship:

  • Indiana requires plumbers hold a state license to perform plumbing work. To obtain an Indiana plumbing license, one must undergo education and job training. Ask your plumber for their license number (this may also be found on the company’s website). Verify that the contractor’s license is valid and active.

  • Plumbers should also carry liability and workmen’s compensation insurance to protect homeowners and their business. This insurance coverage protects you should damage occur during the job or if someone is hurt working in your home.

  • Warranty coverage is often included when you buy new plumbing appliances, which covers the system or its components for a set period of time in the case of malfunctions. Ask your plumber if the company also offers a labor warranty that covers the work. This may not be called a warranty, but a satisfaction guarantee or something similar. This warranty or guarantee shows that the plumber stands by his or her work.

  • Professionalism is important in the plumbing industry, as homeowners need to feel comfortable inviting a stranger in to work in their homes. You see a lot about the company’s professionalism with a clean, branded image on uniforms and vehicles. Plumbing companies should also ensure their technicians undergo the necessary ongoing education to stay up to date in the industry. Best practices change and new equipment is introduced all the time – you want an Indianapolis plumber who is knowledgeable regarding products and services that improve comfort and efficiency at home.

  • Customer service is another element of professionalism. How are you treated by various members of the plumbing company, whether it’s a phone call or a house call? Are your questions answered? Does it take a while to get a callback? You may have an emergency situation and you want to be sure the Indianapolis plumber is able to help you right away – their customer service shows you if your needs will be quickly handled.

  • The different types of services provided by an Indianapolis plumber are important to know. You never know what type of plumbing situation will occur in the future – can this plumber handle it all, or will you be stuck searching for another company next time? Ask about the types of services provided, as well as maintenance and emergency repairs.

  • A detailed estimate is important to see what you are paying the company to do. Prices are affected by equipment types and models – your estimate needs to show model numbers and specifics so you are able to equally compare quotes between companies. If one price seems too good to be true compared to the others, look carefully to ensure the same equipment and services are accounted for within the estimate. If you have questions about your estimate, contact the plumber to ask for more information. Make sure everything is clear before you start a project so there aren’t surprises down the road.

Mr. Plumber – Your Indianapolis Plumber

Mr. Plumber has served Indianapolis for over 70 years, and we are ready to tackle your home plumbing projects. We serve the greater Indianapolis metro area, which includes the surrounding counties and towns. Whether you are North, South, East, West, or right downtown, contact us for quality plumbing installation, repairs, maintenance, and more.

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